Today we have given out 3 moses baskets, 8 baby bags and strollers to babies who lives in apartments. We also gave out nappy creams, diapers and wet wipes.
People in apartments don’t get the things they need. We know where many of the babies are living because we have a contact who is showing us.
The bags are made by Sølvi Sinkaberg and consist of different clothes for babies, outdoor dress, bag for stroller, one big blanket, one small blanket and a teddy bear.
The contents of the bags depends on how old the baby is and what we have of different things at the moment they are made. Sølvi has made 25 bags in total and we have given out almost all of them.
The bags are a mix of donations from the Norwegian group «HÅP» (HOPE) and some things that we had in our storage place.
The moses baskets are donated by Carry The Future.
Thora Lise Roppestad has bought the strollers for her donations.
We want to thank those who make this possible for us! The apartments are often cold and that is not nice for small babies…
We are so happy that we are able to give this to them!
The photos are posted with permission!