Hard working team and friends

The hard working Iris center teams goal yesterday was to empty one of our containers.

The team have received a lot of aid from our German friends, “The Refugees Foundation” and also from Ruhi Loren’s organization “Refugee Biriyani & Bananas”. The team have distributed a lot of this tings to the apartments, the Albanian families and in Vial. So we was able to reduce the amount of containers. We pay a monthly rent for the containers so by empty one container we’ve more money to spend on the refugees.

The plan for next week is to distribute as much as possible of the summer clothes to Vial, the Albanian families and the apartments. We’ll also give out crocs to women and children.

The Iris center team will follow up the single twins mother and probably already today a woman will come and help and live with her and the lovely babies 🙏👶💕👶💕

So many to thank just now:
– Thank you so much amazing Shirley for making this happen.
– Thank you so much to Amir Sharify, Prince Baktash Hadis, Zuhor and Abu for emptying the container.
– I’ll also use the opportunity to say a thank you so much to the Norwegian support group, “Støttegruppa for Iris senteret” for a lot of aid and also donations.
– Thank you so much to HÅP and Sølvi for following up the twins mother.
– Thank you so much to Selina Ingram for donating her birthday gift to the Iris center teams work.
– Thank you so much to Inger-Lise Gabrielsen for donations so we can distribute Crocks to women and kids in Vial.
– And also all the other Iris center supporters.



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Sorting and counting

Today we have been sorting and counting for tomorrow’s distribution of clothes for men. We have also been giving out baby bags made by Sølvi Sinkaberg, strollers from Kristin Gjelsvik and Pia Simonsen, and some blankets from One Family – No Borders. We gave out a baby bag to a one day old baby girl at the hospital.

We counted how many boxes and how many pieces we have of tops, trousers and traditional clothes for men.

We have so many clothes in our storage area and we really want to get them out to the people that should have them. Now the team is working hard to get it all out so they will get what they need.

We are hoping it will be a peaceful distribution where people will be happy.

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Leaving the old Iris Center buildings

Today we officially moved from the Iris Center buildings.

We moved all our things from the old Iris Center buildings to our new storage area. We had to use two trailers to move everything, but with good teamwork it was possible. The team was working so hard and we are so proud of everyone in our team!

We are actually more happy than sad that we now have to move. We all look at this as a new beginning… A new fresh start!

We can’t wait to start a new and even better version of the Iris Center. We believe it will be a lot better than what we had. Now, we have more opportunities and more experience!

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to start a new and better center for the refugees. This is the beginning of something great!

PEACE and LOVE from Iris Center team <3

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Biggest distribution of toiletries

Today we have prepared and bought toiletries for the biggest distribution of toiletries we have ever had!

Since we have had some weeks off and distributed toiletries only to new arrivals last Saturday, we want to cover all the families, couples and single women in the camp this Saturday. We usually give out to 70 families/couples/single women in total every week with a system where we take section by section. It will probably take the whole day to distribute on Saturday, just like it took the whole day to prepare today. We know how important and needed this is for the people in Vial, so it is absolutely worth it to use some days on this! We are just happy we are able to do this!

Pia Simonsen and Kristin Gjelsvik bought most of the toiletries we will distribute on Saturday, but we also had some left in our container that other people have paid for. In addition to Kristin has brought toiletries that students from Rothaugen school in Norway has donated and Valerie Van Harten has brought toiletries from Netherlands that we also will give out as well. We really appreciate that they make it possible for us to distribute to so many people! They really deserve a BIG THANK YOU!

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