Women clothes distribution

Iris center team distributed clothes to all the women in Vial refugee camp on Thursday.

The clothes was given by the Refugee foundation from Germany.

We gave out
– trousers
– leggings
– scarfs
– tops
– abajas
– jumpers
– bra
– underwear

Thank you so much to all that made the distribution possible!

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Clothes for men

Yesterday we had a distribution of clothes for men. It went very well and it was so nice that the men finally could get clothes again too!

We distributed for several hours and got rid of all the boxes we had with men clothes! We are so happy that all these clothes are now in Vial with the people who need them!

Here is some photos from yesterday’s distribution:

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Live in Vial

Distribution of toiletries to all families, single women and couples in the Vial camp on Chios, Greece.

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