Last Saturday we gave out toiletries to 300 single men in Vial!

It felt so good to finally give toiletries to the «forgotten» group. They have needed it for such a long time and we finally had the possibilty to give to them! Valerie Van Harten was paying for most of the toiletries, which made this distribution possible for us!
We tried a new way of distributing and we all felt much closer to the refugees and it was so much more positive energy. This day we really felt the love! Many people forget the single men because they think they are strong enough to survive on their own and don’t need much love. Honestly they are the group that needs the most love.
We experienced that the distribution of toiletries for single men was the day we receieved most love as well.
We will give to more single men if we will have enough donations for it. We really hope this will be possible!